Hardship Solidarity Fund for UAW 4811 members

Donate now to support striking UC workers standing up for Palestine!

We have seen an inspiring wave of student protests standing up against genocide and demanding divestment from Israel and war profitters. We are changing our national dialogue and winning demands at institutions across the country! Now workers at the University of California just launched a strike expanding the arena for this important struggle.

Academic workers are engaging in a historic stand up strike for Free Speech in solidarity with student Palestine encampments. The union is striking to protest UC’s illegal Unfair Labor Practices that resulted from UC’s crackdown against free speech on campuses, retaliation against workers, and the violent attacks by both the police and anti-Palestine agitators at Palestine Solidarity Encampments.  

Bay Resistance has set up a fund to disburse hardship payments to workers.  Funds raised will go to support academic workers who are on strike, missing work and in financial hardship. The Fund will work to ensure workers can access emergency funds as needed for medical care, childcare, food, housing or other emergency situations impacted by lost pay due to striking.

The hardship fund will also be open to students participating in the Palestine solidarity encampments alongside UAW members at UC who were personally impacted by this repressive crackdown due to injuries or arrest. Encampment members with financial hardship from legal bills, medical bills, or loss of job or income will also be able to apply.  

Please donate today to keep this powerful movement going! 


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