Join a Bay Resistance Action Pod

While moving through the immense overwhelm of this political moment, at Bay Resistance we're getting organized and grounded in community through Action Pods.


The pods are a way for folks to build relationships and community in order to stay plugged into the fight for our movements for the long haul, while taking leadership from groups in the Bay Resistance coalition, whose members and communities are most impacted by Trump's attacks and policies. So many of us are and will be impacted by Trump's agenda - and - the groups we take leadership from are at the forefront of, and are marginally affected by, Trump's assaults.

🫛 Action Pods are groups of 10-20ish people that are either:

  • Organized by zip code - in this case, Bay Resistance will place you into a pod based on your zip-code, to be with folks who live near by you

  • Or pre-existing groups that are plugging into our Action Pod structure and program

🫛 Action Pod Commitment and Structure:

  • The Action Pods are a 6 month commitment, that start from the pods first monthly meeting

  • within each month of the 6 months, we are asking that pod members:

    • Commit to take 2 actions

    • attend their monthly pod meeting, which will be a space of relationship building, political ed and alignment, and processing the political moment

🫛 Action Pod Facilitators

  • Each Action Pod has two co-facilitators, who are responsible for coordinating and organizing the group

  • Anyone is welcome to be a pod faciliator - Bay Resistance will support you as needed in this role

Interested in joining or facilitating a pod? great! we would love to have you!

🫛 If you are interested in JOINING an action pod - CLICK HERE AND FILL OUT THIS FORM

🫛 If you are interested in FACILITATING an action pod or want to learn more about this role - CLICK HERE AND FILL OUT THIS FORM

We're looking forward to organizing with you!


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