Bay Resistance on Defeating Trump & Defending our Movements

During the Presidential debate, Trump doubled down on his racist and hateful message attacking immigrants, trans folks, and our very democracy. Thankfully, regular people like you - from the Bay Area to Birmingham, across race and place - are uniting to reject MAGA Republicans who want to take us backward, rule for the wealthy few, and decide our futures for us.

That's why Bay Resistance is partnering with Seed to Vote to send volunteers to key swing states to do direct outreach to undecided and high-opportunity voters. There’s no time to lose: this election is still within the margin of error in key swing districts. We are talking about only a few thousand votes.

Together we could be the difference it takes. Let’s do this!

Canvass or phone bank into swing states anytime between now and Nov 5!

Sign Up with Seed the Vote!

Join Bay Resistance for a weekend trip in either Reno or Phoenix, leaving Friday evening, October 11, and returning on October 13th or 14th!

Door Knock in Reno with Bay Resistance!

Door Knock in Phoenix with Bay Resistance!

Bay Resistance formed in 2016 to fight back and protect our diverse communities from the attacks of the Trump administration. We represent communities across a political spectrum. Many of us are excited by the historic nature of Kamala Harris’s candidacy and her support of the right to choose, our freedom to join unions and affordable housing. At the same time many of us are frustrated with both candidates and heart broken by their refusal to stop the ongoing genocide in Palestine, and their positions on issues from immigration to fracking.

Our network leaders from across the Bay, representing community organizations in low-income communities of color as well as progressive labor unions, met over the summer to decide how Bay Resistance should navigate this difficult and pivotal political moment. We didn’t agree on everything, but we joined together across our differences in recognizing the impact this election has in determining the political terrain for our future work. We decided to go all out to defeat Trump and his MAGA Republicans AND continue to build our movements at the same time.

We know that a Trump presidency would threaten all of our freedoms, our families, and our futures. We know that conditions for our organizing under a Trump presidency would be meaningfully worse and more criminalized than organizing under a Harris administration. We need to stop the racist MAGA Republicans from gaining power. At the same time, we need to build our movements to win the world we want to see. We are partnering with Seed the Vote because of their deep relationships with progressive, base-building organizations on the ground. As canvassers and phone-bankers, we will help these amazing grassroots organizations build power and defend our futures, from the top to the bottom of the ballot

Even as we defend our ability to decide our futures by organizing on the election, we are also throwing down on actions and doing whatever it takes to stand up for our communities and for Palestine. We will continue to be out in the streets calling upon Biden and Harris to come out for an arms embargo on Israel. No matter who wins this election, Bay Resistance is committed to fighting for a free Palestine, immigrant justice, racial justice and a moral economy.  

Sign up with Seed the Vote!

Door Knock in Reno with Bay Resistance!

We can’t wait to see you marching in the streets AND knocking on doors! We invite you to be a canvasser with us in the battleground states that will ultimately decide these elections. If you need support funding your trip, we can help. And if you can’t go but want to be a phone banker or volunteer here in the Bay, let us know!

In solidarity & struggle,

the Bay Resistance organizing team

Kimi, Jane & Lauren

PS If you really can’t go out to another state, please donate to support others to go. You can donate directly or host a fundraiser to sponsor others.

Donate to Seed the Vote here!


Come organize with Bay Resistance this election!