Upcoming Events!

The next few months before November’s election are critical to demand an Arms Embargo NOW, fighting fascism, and to skill up and keep organizing for our Bay Area communities. We can’t do any of our work without volunteers like you, which is why we’re building up our Bay Resistance community to shape and lead our program.

Upcoming events

Palestine Solidarity Organizing Zoom Calls: 

8/14, from 12-1pm PT, RSVP for lunch call

8/14, from 6-7pm PT, RSVP for dinner call

repeating the 2nd Wednesday of every month, from 12-1 and 6-7

Please join Bay Resistance for a monthly zoom call, to get plugged into local Bay Area Palestine Solidarity organizing. We will start each call with a grounding in the current political moment, have space for group processing and discussion, and will go over & connect folks to current Palestine Solidarity organizing opportunities, including upcoming actions, campaigns, and Bay Resistance Action Pods. 

Not Another Bomb National Day of Action Art Build: 8/13, 5-8pm, Bay Rising Office

Join Bay Resistance and our coalition groups for an art build for the 8/18 Not Another Bomb Bay Area contingent of the national day of action! See more info for the Not Another Bomb national call for action below.


Uncommitted Movement Not Another Bomb Bay Area Action: 8/18 11-1pm at Lake Merritt Amphitheater

The Palestinian-led Uncommitted Movement is calling for national day of action on August 18th, as a part of their Not Another Bomb campaign. Held the day before the start of the DNC, Not Another Bomb demands to our elected officials an Arms Embargo NOW, and is specifically targeting Harris, to be clear that our votes are not guaranteed, and are contingent on an immediate end to genocide in Gaza. Join us as the Bay Area answers this national call for a day of action on the 18th with our own local contingent!

Bay Resistance Mass Community Meeting & Training: 9/15, time and location TBD

Weeks before the election, and while genocide in Gaza continues in full force, we’re holding this meeting for our community to gather, share alignment, and skill up. It will take all of us to continue fighting Facism no matter who is in office, to fight for a Free Palestine, and to show up for our local communities and keep each other safe – we are all deeply needed in this moment. Join Bay Resistance and our large coalition of community groups and organizations for a day of workshops, skill building and training, discussion, and gathering.

Hop on the zoom call to get more information on upcoming events.