Inauguration Day Protesters Target Trump‐Supporting Companies


1,000 March in San Francisco’s Financial District to Declare the Bay Area a Hate‐Free Zone

San Francisco, CA – As Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President, thousands of people across the country took to the streets to declare their ci es to be hate‐free zones – free from mass deporta ons, racist registries, a acks on working people, corporate giveaways, and destruc ve climate policy. Instead, they called for protec on of our healthcare system, free public educa on, and sanctuaries for hard‐working immigrants.

In San Francisco, 1,000 protesters marched, stopping at companies that support Trump’s hate‐fueled agenda. The first stop was at One Sansome St. where many Bay Area tech companies reside. Speakers urged tech to reject ge ng involved with any increased surveillance and targe ng of immigrant communi es under the Trump Administra on.

“Tech workers will need to push back against building weapons, surveillance tools, and tools of censorship,” said Blake Griffith, self‐employed tech worker. “We need to stand with our families, neighbors, and co‐workers to stop these dangerous tools. And we need to stand together as workers to hold our employers accountable.”

The next stop was at the Immigra on Customs & Enforcement (ICE) where speakers focused on the hate‐fueled rhetoric and policies that Trump has said he will enact towards immigrant families, par cularly undocumented and La no immigrants. Speakers also talked about the appointee John Kelly for the Secretary of Homeland Security.

“While the incoming administra on has targeted Muslims with a religious registry and sought to deport millions of families, the Bay Area community rejects these threats,” said Feng Kung, of Jobs with Jus ce San Francisco. “We will not only resist all forms of hate, but the Bay Area will con nue to be a beacon of innova ve progressive policies.”

The third stop was at the Wells Fargo building where Elaine Chao, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Transporta on, is a board member who has received $1.2 million in that posi on. The bank has been tainted with the $185‐million‐dollar scandal in which Wells Fargo employees opened fraudulent accounts without customer’s consent, and it has also invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), a sacred burial site of indigenous people.

The protesters spoke of preserving the social safety net instead of inves ng in oil. “We need to expand, not repeal Obamacare,” said Teresa Rutherford, a 16‐year nurse assistant at Laguna Honda Hospital. “The majority of our pa ents are at the poverty line, elderly, or undocumented immigrants. We not only

provide physical and mental care, but we house people who are unable to live independently. We take care of them like a family. All of that would be lost.”

The march concluded at 555 California Street, which is 30% Trump‐owned and houses Goldman Sachs. Steve Mnuchin–Trump’s nominee for Treasury Secretary – was a top execu ve at Goldman Sachs for 17 years. Mnuchin was infamous for purchasing IndyMac and then foreclosing on tens of thousands of Californians. Other Trump picks to come out of Sachs: Steve Bannon (Chief Strategist), Gary Cohn (Na onal Economic Council Director) and Jay Clayton (SEC Chairman).

“This march united community, labor, people of faith, seniors, and youth who have fought side‐by‐side to make Bay Area ci es a na onal model of progress – including winning minimum wage increases, higher environmental standards, and greater access to affordable health care,” said Kimi Lee of Bay Rising. “We are going to double down on our commitment to expand and defend these freedoms in the Bay Area region in the face of federal interven on.”

The Inaugura on Day March was organized by Bay Rising and Jobs with Jus ce, San Francisco. Bay Rising is a regional alliance which does voter outreach to tens of thousands of Bay Area voters, and includes San Francisco Rising, Oakland Rising, and Silicon Valley Rising. Jobs with Jus ce, San Francisco is an alliance of labor unions and community organiza ons working together to build a strong, progressive movement for economic, racial and social jus ce.
